This was an a big leap project for me to take on, because this time I relieved a budget to paint this #painting with more realistic approach to this #Illustration. I was originally approached a couple of years ago to go into the office and draw about 12 of the company employees. I explained to him that I felt rushed and would rather try to have more time in my studio and paint 14 in a layout of the office and over looking he gulf and the St Pete Pier.

And then Here is the the final 30"-20" size 14 employees painting. I felt I could keep going but I had to find a end. The client was very satisfied, and that is what counts
I did a photo collage to help find references ideas

Drew a #sketch to get a rough idea of how to proceed.

From this sketch we had some changes and reordering.

Once changes was approved I started adding values

The next step was to do a full value under painting to get ready fornthe color layer.